Fair Play Points apply to all CMSS leagues. However, enforcement differs between self-refereed leagues and refereed leagues.

In refereed CMSS leagues, referees calculate FPP this way:

All teams will start with a FP rating of 5.
For every yellow card, 1 point is subtracted.
For every red card, 2 points are subtracted.

Example: a team that receives 1 red card and 1 yellow card will receive a FP rating of 2 (5 points - 2 (red) - 1 (yellow), and thus will receive 0 FPP for that game. See below.

In self-refereed CMSS leagues, Fair Play Rating rules are as follows:

Teams must award a Fair Play Rating from 0-5 as a team after each game (please refer to Rating Guide below).
Any Fair Play Rating lower than 5 must be accompanied by a valid explanation.
If a team defaults a game, they automatically lose the right to award a Fair Play Rating to the opposing team.
Team that are defaulted upon automatically receive a Fair Play Rating of 5.
Teams that are defaulted upon may award the defaulting team any rating that they choose.

CMSS monitors teams who regularly receive low Fair-Play points. CMSS also monitors teams who regularly give low ratings in order to move up in the standings.

Note: FP monitors will attribute a FP rating of 0-5 based on the overall attitude of the teams. If you think you deserved a higher FP rating than the other team awarded you, you have a right to choose the FP monitor's rating sight unseen. Once you decide to contest the rating, you cannot revert to the previous grade.

Teams have one (1) week to contest their FP rating in writing. No exceptions.

Fair Play Point Rating Guide

Fair Play Rating = 5 (+1 point is added to the standings)
- Our opponents were ready to start the game on time
- All of our players really enjoyed playing against all of the opposing team's players
- Our opponents exhibited a great deal of sportsmanship throughout the game
- Our opponents were extremely knowledgeable about the rules, OR were very receptive to learning them
- Overall, our game was extremely fun. We wish all of our opponents were like thisFair Play Rating = 4 (+1 point is added to the standings)
- Our opponents were ready to start the game on time
- Most of our players enjoyed playing against most of the opposing team's players
- Our opponents exhibited good sportsmanship throughout the game
- Our opponents were fairly knowledgeable about the rules, OR were fairly receptive to learning them
- Overall, our game was a lot of fun

Fair Play = 3 (0 points are added to the standings)
- Most of our opponents were ready to start the game on time
- Some of our players enjoyed playing against some of the opposing team's players
- Our opponents exhibited some sportsmanship throughout the game
- Our opponents seemed to know most of the rules, but sometimes made questionable calls
- Overall, the game was okay, but there was a few isolated plays or discrepancies

Fair-Play = 2 (0 points are added to the standings)
- Some of our opponents were late for the game, so our game didn't start on time
- Most of our players did not enjoy playing against most of the opposing team's players
- Our opponents exhibited a lack of sportsmanship throughout the game
- Our opponents seemed confused about some of the rules, and were not receptive to learning them
- Overall, several discrepancies or opposing players made the game not much fun to play

Fair-Play Rating = 1 (-1 point is added to the standings)
- Most of our opponents were late for the game, so our game didn't start on time
- None of our players enjoyed playing against the opposing team
- Our opponents exhibited poor sportsmanship throughout the game
- Our opponents were not very knowledgeable about the rules and did not want to learn them
- Overall, this team was not fun at all to play against

Fair-Play Rating = 0 (-1 point is added to the standings)
- Our opponents were late, or did not have enough people to field a team
- None of our players enjoyed playing against the opposing team
- Our opponents exhibited no spirit, resulting in rude, unsportsmanlike or dangerous instances
- Our opponents did not understand the rules at all and did not want to learn
- Overall, this is one of the worst spirited teams that we have ever played against