Sportsmanship, camaraderie and having fun are the 3 most important things in all CMSS activities. Please keep these in mind while playing.

• Captains must submit their scores online by 17:00 the day following their games. If this is not done, a tie or loss will be recorded. No exceptions.

• All players should bring a white and black shirt to every game. As a general rule, team home wears black and away wears white.

• Please arrive at the courts 5-10 minutes before the start of your game. Games are 2x 25 minute halves with a five minute break. Games must finish at 5 to the hour regardless of start time. Team home calls the half-time and counts score.

• Teams are comprised of 5 players with 2 women and 2 men on the court at all times for the mixed divisions. There must be 2 women on the court at all times except for the refereed division. In the refereed division, there are no gender minimums. If a team does not show up with the minimum amount of required players (women and men), they will lose by default but will be able to play a friendly game.

• It is forbidden for men to block women (this includes raising their arms). Only women may block women.

• Games start with a jump ball, with either the monitor/referee, or another team member, tossing the ball.

• Calling fouls: ONLY the player who was fouled/or thinks was fouled can call the foul. The Defender or anyone else on the court is not authorized to make that call. THE CALL MUST BE RESPECTED regardless of what any other players think as a sign of GOOD SPORTMANSHIP. Absolutely no screaming from the bench!

• Defensive play is man to man only - no zone defenses.

• In the mixed divisions, all games are self-refereed. In case of dispute, it`s a throw-in from the sideline by the offense. Please play safely in a sportsmanlike manner and with good spirit. ANY ROUGH OR PHYSICAL PLAY WILL RESULT IN IMMEDIATE EXPULSION

• All other traditional basketball rules will apply in this league

• Alternating rule in effect:
After starting the game with a jump ball, the loser of this jump ball gets the possession the next time the ball is tied up and alternates thereafter.

• The team that has possession of the ball when the whistle is blown at the end of the half will co continue to have possession to start the next half

• In case of dispute, it`s a throw-in from the sideline by the offense. Even if it's the refereed division, please play safely in a sportsmanlike manner and with good spirit. ANY ROUGH OR PHYSICAL PLAY WILL RESULT IN IMMEDIATE EXPULSION FROM FURTHER GAME PLAY.